Today we visit Monument Valley. Get in the truck and head to the park entrance, we have to pay $20 fee to drive thru the park. Our National Park Pass doesn’t work here, Navajo Indian property. At the entrance, there is a nice visitor center and motel you can stay out. Sign says Masks required everywhere! Did see some signs earlier about please obey all curfews…not sure if that was current or not?
Once we get up to the actual entrance (the dirt road that winds thru the park) there’s a check point you have to stop at, fill out a form stating you’ll abide by park rules, wear your mask, sanitize your hands after every contact, blah blah blah. They note the time you enter, ’cause everyone had to be out by 5…if not, they come looking for you. You also have to wait until someone comes out, they only allow so many in the park at a time. Takes about 2-3 hours to drive thru, stopping at a few points along the way.

Original John Fords Point painting

Our Picture…
Fairly close

Forest Gump’s “End of the Run”

Chris in the same spot